How to add interactive widgets in Jupyter Notebook?

1 minute read


In Jupyter notebook, you can add interactive widgets to visualize and manipulate codes and data.

ipywidgets module provides bundles of various widgets that can be used for taking input and displaying outputs.

Various widgets that are available:

  • Sliders

  • Check boxes

  • Dropdowns

  • Selection Range sliders

  • Toggle buttons etc.

interact function in ipywidgets module generates user interface (UI) for interactive input and function manipulation. For example, the movement in slider can change the input value of the function and generates the corresponding output.

Syntex: interact(f, x = a), where f is the function having argument x. The slider generated will have limit -a to 3a.

Syntex: interact(f, x=(min, max, steps))

from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manual
import ipywidgets as widget

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as nps

# Define function with argument as polynomial order
def poly_f(m):
    x = np.linspace(-10,10,100)
    y = x**m
    plt.plot(x,y, '-b', label = 'y=x^'+ str(m))

# Interact function with arguments - function (f) and f's argument x.
interact(poly_f, m =(-4,4))

The output will be a slider to manipulate the argument (order of polynomial) value. And it will alter the plot based on the argument value.
