Plot lines using coordinates in Python

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In Python, there are multiple ways to plot a curve, you can plot by defining the function or you can give the coordinates of the curve.

If you know the coordinate of the straight line, then you can plot that directly use matplotlib module.

Syntax: plt.plot(x_values, y_values, '-o', color = 'b', linestyle = '--' )

x_values and y_values are the points abscissa and ordinates written in the form of list or tuple.

color = 'b' and linestyle = '--' are optional arguments.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

point_1 = [0,0]
point_2 = [1,1]
point_3 = [2,4]
point_4 = [5,6]

plt.plot([point_1[0], point_2[0], point_3[0], point_4[0]],[point_1[1], point_2[1], point_3[1], point_4[1]],'-o', color = 'b',linestyle = '--' )

