Guidelines for project report, thesis or paper writing

1 minute read


There are certain standard guidelines that is to be followed when writing any project report, thesis or any journal paper.

The whole report can be divided into three major sections :

  • Abstract - it should summarize the whole report and should explain the motivation, objective, methodology, originality of the work and the findings.
  • Content (body of the report) - it should cover the motivation of the work, purpose that is intended, design, methodology and approach of the work, originality of the work and value that it imparts and finally the findings of the work.
  • Conclusion - it should summarize the findings of the work in an unbiased manner, describing the actual findings including favorable as well unfavorable ones.

Figures - The maximum width should be \(150mm\) and font size should be same as that in the document i.e. \(10 points\).

​ The caption of the figures should be able to convey the intent of the image by describing the image in the detailed manner including it’s relevance and finding.

Abbreviations should not be used in figures as images are considered individual entities. If a phrase appears more than once in captions of the figure, then it should be expanded once in the beginning where it appears.

Abbreviations - Abbreviation of a word should be expanded only once in the beginning of each section of the report (abstract, content,figures and conclusions) where it appear.